The Akai CD3000 was the first and only sampler to include a built in CDROM drive. Not only can it load sounds from CDROM in a variety of formats, it can also sample directly from audio CDs entirely in the digital domain. The CD3000 is another proud edition to the entire Akai S3000 series workhorses.
The CD3000 features 16 bit linear sampling at 44.1kHz and 22.05kHz. A maximum of 16meg of memory can be fitted, although the unit can be modified to accept 32meg. The unit has 32 voices of polyphony with a maximum of 255 samples and 254 programs. The filters are digital 12db/oct low pass with resonance, and although the filter slope is not as steep as I'd like, the sonic benefit of resonance is worth the tradeoff. The CD3000 also has two multistage envelope generators, two LFOs, and a variety of modulation options. The effects, while limited, are of high quality and include chorus, delays, flangers, and other time-based effects. The large 320x240 backlit display and eight soft buttons makes editing a breeze. Also available for data entry is a numeric keypad, cursor keys, and a rotary encoder. The CD3000 has a ten outputs consisting of a stereo pair and eight auxiliary outs. The CD3000 model comes with SCSI standard, however other S3000 series options such as SMPTE, an internal hard drive, and AES and SPDIF digital I/O are not available.
I have installed a Real World Interfaces M32S3 32meg memory board in my CD3000, increasing its memory to 32meg up from the previous 16meg limit.
Akai S3000 Series 32meg Memory Upgrade
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