What started as a Roland D-70 and a six space rack has mutated into a sick and beastly rig. When I first took to the road in March '97, I started off with a Korg Wavestation A/D, Roland MKS20, Alesis Quadraverb GT, and Alesis D4 with a Roland D-70 for keys and an Alesis MMT-8 for sequencing duties. In July '97 the MKS-20 and D4 made their way out, as a Roland P-330,
D-550, MKS-70, and M-120 line mixer made their way in. My rig remained pretty much unchanged until fall when the P-330 was dropped to make room for a Lexicon PCM60. In Dec an Akai CD3000 was added to provide sampled drums, pianos, and orchestra. My SCI Prophet VS made its first trip after Christmas while it was getting new demux circuitry. After adding
a Lexicon PCM80 I realized I had outgrown the Roland M-120, so I picked up another Mackie CR1604vlz for road use. The Prophet VS went home in spring '98 when I added a Roland S-330. A MKS-80 and Studio Electronics SE-1 made a brief summer outing, but left to make room for Mackie HR824 monitors. More recently I've added an Eventide H3000 and an Akai MPC-60.
Clips of songs I've done while on the road:
broken machine
last day