Studio Tape Machine Gallery Tips and tricks for digital multitrack machines DAT Heads Mailing list for all things DAT DAT World Good information and pictures of DAT machines Sony D7/D8 Resource Guide A must for all portable Sony DAT owners D&R Mixing Consoles Makers of high quality recording consoles Mackie Manufacture quality mixers and sound reinforcement equipment Digidesign Professional hard disk recording and editing systems Mogami Technical Catalog Mogami wire and cable catalog Whirlind High quality snakes, cables, wiring harnesses, and custom products Rapco International Cables, snakes, custom panels Studio #2 Patchbay Patchbay layout example Wiring & Cable Color Scheme Color code chart for multipair audio snake AKA Design Creative studio design company - : strongroom : - Wonderfully designed UK studio - A MUST SEE! Morrisound Studios Recording studio with panoramic virtual tour Private Studios Interesting small studio in Illinois Studio Design Studio design texts along with diagrams and software Auralex Acoustics Acoustical room treatment products IAC - Industrial Acoustics Industrial and studio acoustic materials and doors Silent Source Reseller of all things acoustic Zero International Acoustic door and seal manufacturer Redco Audio Excellent source for Mogami, Neutrik, and Switchcraft products Q Cables Great "mom & pop" cable and patchbay dealer Pro Sound International US D&R sales rep, as well as ATC and Garwood Pro Audio Design Dealer for used Solid State Logic consoles Ocean Audio Professional studio gear brokers Another studio gear broker Linux MIDI & Sound Applications Good starting point for audio on Linux systems DIY Electronics For Music DIY site with info and designs Midwest Analog Products DIY kits, parts, and plans Aural Research Facilities Home of Bert & Ernie Synth diy page Designs, schematics, and projects Electronic Music Projects Rick Jansen's Moog filter design and Formant Modular Synth-DIY Schematics Various filter designs including EMS, Wasp, and moog Synthesis Technology CEM chips and MOTM modular kits Low Cost MIDI Faderbox Plans for a MIDI CC controller Pieter Suurmond: Analog to MIDI Limited discrete MIDI CC controller design Nixies Interesting high voltage numeric displays Maximum MIDI Great references for MIDI projects and designs Thomas Parts Catalog Source of some rare SSM chips Blacet Research Home of the Dark Star and other DIY modular synth kits BASIC Stamp Project Stamp based MIDI CC controller MIDI with PICs Good info on designing MIDI devices with PICs and Stamps handheld-music homepage Info on music with handheld PDAs midiDAC PIC based MIDI to CV converter MIDI to CV Source code for PIC based MIDI to CV converter Synths Mark Pulver's MIDIwall Used gear pricelist, AH archives, this site has it all SynthFool Kevin Lightner, synth tech extraordinare, loads of pictures music machines Hyperreal's assimilation of synth information Analogue Heaven The definitive analog synth mailing list Vintage Synth Lots of pictures and limited info on older synths Synth Museum Ditto Harmony Central Good site with a wide variety of music info Sonic State User supplied information on synthesizers, message boards Synth Zone Somewhat outdated list of synth links Encore Electronics Best MIDI kits and CV converters on the planet Kenton Electronics Wide variety of MIDI retrofits F.M. Music Fred McNiff services moogs and sells NOS moog parts MusicCentral New and used synth dealer with good service FUM An Analog Heaven and synth geek gathering Pro-One Manual Sequential Circiuts Pro One Manual qpg home page QPG - music/clothes/web tom butcher Tom Butcher's home page PianoDisc Makers of piano MIDI conversion kits DanceTech Dance music and synth site JoMoX Makers of analog drum machines and synths Compuphonic Casio FZ sampler forum and Korg MS series info Keith's Homepage Good Roland MKS-50/alphaJuno and MKS-70/SuperJX page ThE aLpHa-DiaL The infamous alphaJuno site Wavestation Post Korg Wavestation patches and mailing list Emax Tons of good Emax info as well as sample library Wavestation Home The unofficial Wavestation information site PPG Instruments PPG mailing list and information Emulator Station I The website for all Emu samplers ~ MKS-80 ~ Good Roland MKS-80 specs and info Computer Controlled Unofficial Roland TB-303 page Tony Clark Lots of good information on synths, schematics, synth-DIY IOTech Norwegian synth repair shop, Roland MKS-30 upgrade, Roland ICs Fairlight Page Loads of information on the Fairlight CMI I and II Synth List The Top 10 "You've been around synths too long" page Verbos Theme Park Electronic music and synth DIY stuff elev8's small sample site Sequential Circuits Prophet 3000 samples and OS Modcan Synthesizers Makers of high quality modular synthesizers CAVE Studio Modular Moog, PPG, Prophet 2000, and all good things analog Soundwave's Home Page Music, synths, MST3k Mike Nail's Homepage The definitive Casio SK sampler page Secret Studios! Picture of Rory Tate's marvelous synth studio Sequential Prophet VS Good source of Sequential Circuits Prophet VS info The Moog Synthesizer Classic USCS webpage detailing use of a Moog modular skullsaw's brainstem Steve D's site with loads of good electronic music stupid OCTAVE cat Justin Maxwell's old web site K2000 Floyd Patch A must have Dark Side of the Moon patch for the K2000 Jeffrey Bergman-Synth / Electronic Music Synth info, music, samples [ [ [ [ [[The Lab] ] ] ] ] Home of Phil Pilgrim's infamous SH101 NovaMod Mirage-Net Home Page Ricard's Analog Synth Page Korg PolySix MIDI mod MirageSampleDumper Mirage to PC WAV sample dump utility Aaron Rodden's ESQ-1 Page Ensoniq ESQ-1 patches and info if.then.else Prijzen vintage synthesizers Egad Productions Jetboy Junction - good info on a variety of synths Daredevil's Jupiter & Juno Page K.T'S Homepage~analog synthesizers Roland SH-09 Roland U20/U220 RS-PCM Synths Mirage Hacking Mirage-Net FAQ [] Section Ensoniq High Bandwidth Zone! ~Ensoniq-Mirage~ ProStudio & Live Audio: Product Profile analog synthesizers/kairo/VCF Studio de Dijk BV Canine Welcome to ANALOGUE SOLUTIONS* Drew's Web Page tmp Keith's Other Synths RM50 Drum Module TEISCO Synthesizers The Juno-106 FAQ Moog Memorymoog Users Group KORG MONO/POLY Roland Museum Drum Machine Museum - The Ultimate Drum Machine Web Site Steve's Roland JD-800 stuff Studio 440 pages ARPtech Akai Memory Audities Vintage Roland Synthesizers dsTEC Ltd - Welcome to the future of hybrid synthesis Msq-100 Sequncer Manual Buy Auction Soup Rogue Music's auction site Sweetwater Sound's TradingPost Sweetwater Sound's classifieds Harmony Central Harmony Central's classifieds Recycler Classifieds The infamous west coast Recycler classified Rock Auction Daddy's Junky Music auction site electrogear Classifieds network search capability Vemia UK synth auction Gearheads Classifieds A free music classified site Excite Music Classifieds Excite music classifieds with search engine i-Escrow A third party service to ensure safe transactions |
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